Location: Fibonacci Lecture Room
Conveners: Priscilla A. Mooney, Annette Rinke and John Cassano
The main aim of this session is to assess the latest advances in the development and applications of regional climate models and climate projections for the Polar Regions. Results of this session could inform future research efforts in this area. Participants are invited to submit abstracts to this session that focus on the development of polar climate models and application of high-resolution climate modelling over the Polar Regions. This session also welcomes contributions from global modeling, statistical downscaling methods and impact assessments.
Detailed program
14:30 [invited] Oskar Landgren (Met Norway), Developing km-scale climate projections for impact studies over Svalbard.
15:00 Priscilla A. Mooney (NORCE and Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research), Developing future climate projections for impact studies in the polar regions.
15:20 Annette Rinke (AWI), New Polar CORDEX model intercomparison initiative related to MOSAiC.
15:30-16:00 HEALTH BREAK
16:00 Jan Lanwehrs (AWI), Arctic Climate Simulations with the ICON Model – Comparison with Reanalyses and Observations, with a Focus on Intrusion Events.
16:15 Heidrun Matthes (AWI), Developing Climate Information for Arctic reindeer herding communities.
16:30 Andrew Orr (UKRI-BAS), Characteristics of surface “melt potential” over Antarctic ice shelves.
Due to unforeseen circumstances some speakers may be replaced or will not be able to participate.
Contact: Priscilla Mooney (prmo@norceresearch.no), Annette Rinke (annette.rinke@awi.de), John Cassano (john.cassano@colorado.edu).