Financial support
- Deadline to apply for financial support: 15 May 2023 (23.59 local time in Trieste and Pune).
- You will find information on how to apply for financial support in the registration system.
- Decision on acceptance of abstracts and on the recipients of financial support: POSTPONED
Applications for financial support can be submitted by Early Career Scientists* and scientists from developing countries.
*Early Career Scientists are post-graduates and researchers who obtained their highest degree within the last 7 years.
The participation of Early Career Scientists (ECS) and those from developing nations is key to the success of the ICRC-CORDEX2023 and therefore there will be a limited number of support grants available for participants attending the conference. They will be assigned based on the financial need and scientific merit of the proposed presentations described in the abstract, the contribution to the conference and provision of supporting documents.
The person applying for financial support should submit an abstract and should be the principal author.
The documents required to apply for financial support are:
- a concise CV (education, professional experience, selected publications); (For Trieste, the information you enter in the profile when registering is enough).
- a short motivation statement why you want to present your work at this conference and how it relates to the conference themes. Maximum 1000 characters;
- a signed recommendation letter from the supervisor or director of the host institution; (when applying to attend in Trieste you find an action to “Invitee referees” after submitting your application with further instructions on how the recommendation letter is sent.)
- we also require applicants to provide evidence for any partial support to cover travel, accommodation and/or other expenses for attending the conference from other sources, such as home institution. We have limited funds available, and we want to support as many people as we can. Complying with this request allows us to achieve that goal.”