Create your future
Friday 29 September 12.30-14.30 CEST Create your future workshop
Location: Adriatico Guesthouse - Kastler Lecture Hall
Session co-chairs: Iréne Lake, Sophia Kark and Lindha Nilsson
Rapporteurs: Sylvia Ampadu, Ross Dixon and Antoine Doury
Background to ‘Create your future
A concept for creating your own images of a climate-adapted future, developed by the Swedish National Knowledge Centre for Climate Change Adaptation, SMHI. Inspired by and developed on the basis of future scenarios. Tested and developed with municipalities, county administrative boards, etc.
Appears to address a real need to formulate positive objectives for climate change adaptation work.
Discuss climate change, climate challenges and climate adaptation in a future world where we have reached a more sustainable society.
There are 8 different challenges and one ’compound vision’ to choose from outlined in the ’Visualization texts’. They deal with:
- High temperatures and water abundance/scarcity (flooding, drought)
- International relations/cooperation, food security, trade and supply chains
- Landslides, ecosystems, pests, invasive species and health
- Your feedback will nurture further development of the concept
This workshop format with the purpose of creating the image of your future climate adapted society with images, pens , glue etc. to create your future. It will also be possible to participate online.
Here is the material for the workshop at Google Drive:
ICRC-CORDEX 2023/Create your future
Here you can find the orginally images and instructions to the Create your future more based on european/swedish conditions,
Below are the posters with descriptions produced during the workshop:

Challenge: Flooding threatening communities, infrastructure and companies (extreme/torrential rain)
Participants in this group: Bushra Khalid, Alain Tamoffo, Patience Demeko, Stella Matho
To address the challenge, we presented two model cities: Islamabad, Pakistan, and Douala, Cameroon. These cities were designed to showcase their adaptation to sustainable lifestyle and infrastructure development strategies, which assist the population in maintaining a high quality of life even during extreme weather events, such as heavy or torrential rainfall. Typically, torrential or extreme rainfall can lead to flooding in many cities worldwide, disrupting normal life.
However, our model cities have embraced a strategy of constructing urban structures upstream, away from floodplains. Floodplains and natural drainage patterns are prone to flooding during extreme rainfall events, with water following its natural course and sometimes overflowing when passing through natural streams before reaching its final destination, such as rivers or the sea. When cities are developed on floodplains or in close proximity to natural streams, floodwaters can cause destruction of lives and infrastructure as they follow their natural paths during flood events.
Hence, the concept of developing urban settlements in upstream areas has been introduced. Governments and communities should consider implementing awareness programs to encourage infrastructure development in these upstream regions, away from floodplains, to mitigate the potential for significant disruptions, particularly in plains and downstream areas.
In this poster, we present the concept of upstream urban town development, which relies on the natural drainage of rainwater through natural channels. The fresh rainwater will be collected downstream in small dams, which will be connected to larger dams via natural channels further downstream. These natural channels and small dams will also provide fresh water for the communities living upstream.
In the event of a high water level in the reservoir, the gates of the large dams will be opened. This will allow excess water to be drained out through the natural channels, flowing further downstream toward rivers or the ocean. This approach is aimed at developing sustainable urban infrastructure that ensures the normal life of the people, even during extreme precipitation events.
As a result, people will be able to continue their normal routines, including children attending schools, hospitals functioning smoothly, companies operating as usual, people enjoying walks along pedestrian pathways, and the overall normal life persisting throughout the towns.
In the context of changing climate, as outlined in the Paris Agreement, we rely on CORDEX to provide us with high-resolution regional climate model simulation output data. These data will enable us to make projections under targeted warming thresholds, in order to inform decision-makers and all stakeholders about the potential hazards associated with the adverse effects of climate change, such as extreme precipitation and torrential rainfall.

Challenge: High temperatures involving risks for human and animal health and wellbeing
Participants in this group: Shaukat Ali, Michelle Reboita, Helena Martins, Amira Mostafa, Amadou Coulibaly, Luc Randriamarolaza
SUN City
To keep our SUN city sustainable and resilient to heatwaves we did several action steps. We anaylsed first the heatwaves can have adverse impacts on public health, environment and infrastructure to our SIN city but our adoptative measures is helping to mitigate these effects. In our future SUN city, we planned and implement the following:
- Early warning system (EWS)
Establish an effective early warning system for heatwaves EWS were established with advance technology and infrastructure, which is responsible for issuing alerts and providing timely information to the public, especially to vulnerable groups.
- Cooling center
We have many cooling centers, public buildings, and public transportation options during heatwaves. We also installated public water fountains and misting stations in high-traffic areas.
- Hospital (health resilient climate system)
Our hospitals and overall health system is climate resilient which has the potential quality for any risk or hazard to anticipation, preparedness, response, recovery and adaptation. For example, during the pandemic of or heatwave the hospitals are prepared with beds and medicine for patients.
- Urban Planning and Design
Our city has good urban planning and design includes green spaces and shade, number of parks, cool roofs and pavements, cooling food storage, vertical green gardens, urban forests & agriculture and efficient building design.
- Waste collection, management and recycling
For waste collection and management and recycling a small industry is workimg outside the city
- Forestation
Forest area has been increase with incite of billion tree tsunami project which provide shelter to animals and also effect the weather.
- Renewable energy
Our city is follow the net-zero emission policies and in all sector the energy is green energy (hydropower, wind and solar).
- Public Awareness & Community engagement
In our city we have different NGO and vulntire organization which help in raise awareness about the risks of heatwaves and educate the public on how to stay safe during extreme heat. This includes advising on hydration, cooling strategies, and recognizing heat-related illnesses.
- CORDEX Research Centre
In our city we have climate change centre called “CORDEX Research Centre” which develop heat action plans that outline strategies for mitigating heat-related health risks to protect vulnerable population and deciemenate research output to public and policy.
- Legislation
Climate change & environment law is intact with support of implementation body called Climate Change Authority.

Challenge: Sustainable agriculture
Participants in this group: Vincent Ajayi, Rodric M Nonki, Mrienda Komkoua, Ross Dixon and Mithun Choudhary