Session D4: Climate services for transformation using CORDEX datasets: best practices using FAIR principles and innovative tools (online and Trieste)

Location: SISSA Room B

Conveners: Claas Teichmann (GERICS), Armelle Remedio (GERICS), Helena Martins (SMHI), Ángel G. Muñoz (BSC), Lars Buntemeyer (GERICS), Christine Nam (GERICS), Francisco Doblas-Reyes (BSC), Gaby S. Langendijk (GERICS), Katharina Bülow (GERICS), Ludwig Lierhammer (GERICS), Marjana Brkić (CPN), Marta Terrado (BSC), Peter Hoffmann (GERICS), Ross D. Dixon (UNL)

In this session, we want to present and discuss methods and best practices in current climate services as well as an outlook of how future developments can be designed under FAIR conditions. User experiences show an increasing demand for guidance on how to use CORDEX data in climate services which calls for discussions on community work inside and outside of CORDEX and how this can be improved. Furthermore, upcoming simulations for use in climate services should involve users from different backgrounds in a co-production design process to tackle their requirements and provide useful climate services products.

At the end of the session, we will have a discussion round to explore some current developments, and tools and issues when working with regional climate model data and its application in climate services.

Session report

Detailed program

14:30-15:30 (1st part)
● 4 talks (10 min each)
SOBOLOWSKI Stefan EURO-CORDEX CMIP6 GCM Selection & Ensemble Design: Best Practices and Recommendations
FERNANDEZ-GRANJA Juan Antonio Performance, Dependencies and Spread of the CMIP Global Climate Models for selected CORDEX domains as described by the low-level circulation.
HORANYI Andras Climate projection datasets in the Copernicus Climate Change Service’s (C3S) Climate Data Store (CDS)
STRANDBERG Gustav Tailored CORDEX data for the Swedish energy sector – a stakeholder focused approach
● 2 poster-pico-presentation (2 min each)
SCHUCHNÉ BÁN Beatrix, EURO-CORDEX data in the climate services of the Hungarian Meteorological Service
OVCHARUK Valeriya, Development of Multilevel Local, Nation- and Regionwide Education and Training in Climate Services in Ukraine
● 15 min for discussion

15:30-16:00 (Break with poster session)

16:00-17:00 (2nd part)
ZIMMERMANN Klaus ESMValTool presentation (10 min)
MARTINS HELENA Climateurope2 (10 min)
REMEDIO Armelle Regional climate model datasets in the cloud on AWS S3 (10 min)
● Discussion about FAIR principles (30 min, short survey to be conducted in advance, during the conference)

Due to unforeseen circumstances some speakers may be replaced or will not be able to participate.

Contact: Claas Teichmann (, Helena Martins (