Session A1: Earth System Modelling in the regional context
Tuesday 26 September 11.00-12.30 CEST
Location: Sissa Main Auditorium
Session co-chairs: Melissa Bukovsky and Klaus Görgen
Rapporteurs: Daniel Abel and Henri Pinheiro
Earth System Modelling (ESM) in the regional context can integrate two-way coupled processes to include dynamic vegetation (carbon cycle), oceans (and sea-ice), atmospheric chemistry, lakes and glaciers, biogeochemistry, etc. It can be used to demonstrate that Regional Earth System Models (RESMs) are able to improve the capability of simulating regional climate features. Key questions: Is there any added value of RESMs compared with RCMs? Is there any compromise between complexity, resolution and domain size? Should a CORDEX-MIP on RESMs examining the regional response including a variety of coupled components to the RCMs be explored? WCRP Core Projects, Light House Activities, CORDEX FPSs.
Session report
11.00-11.15 CEST Invited speaker
Regional Earth System Models: Uncertain Definition, Clear Benefits, Open Challenges Samuel SOMOT
11.15-12.30 CEST Oral presentations (10+2 min)
Regional coupled modeling to improve understanding of the Southeast Asian Climate Quentin Frederic DESMET
Himalayan glacial anomaly as simulated by a coupled regional glacier-climate model and its synoptic-scale drivers Aaquib JAVED
Coupled groundwater-to-atmosphere simulations with the regional climate system model TSMP as a contribution to the new European CORDEX-CMIP6 ensemble Klaus GOERGEN
The latest projected climate change signal over Southern Africa using the Conformal Cubic Atmospheric Model (CCAM)Jessica STEINKOPF (NEE PICAS)
Development of a regional earth system model using a variable resolution global grid Marcus THATCHER