Session D9: Aerosol impact on regional climate (online and Trieste)

Location: SISSA Room D

Conveners: Marc Mallet (Meteo-France), Fabien Solmon (LAERO/OMP), Erik Kjellström (SMHI), Klaus Wyser (SMHI), Grigory Nikulin (SMHI), Helena Martins (SMHI), Johannes Quaas (Uni Leipzig), Michael Schulz (Met Norway), Annica Ekman (SU), Ilona Riipinen (SU).

This session, co-organised by FORCeS and the Med-CORDEX FPS on Aerosol, aims to bring together the latest advances in studies of regional aerosol impact from both global and regional climate modelling communities. Participants are invited to submit abstracts to this session with focus on linkages between aerosols and regional
climate change, both for past and future conditions. Abstracts on how global and regional climate models can be improved for better representation of key aerosol processes, as well as, on-going or soon to come coordinated actions, are also welcome. There is also an option to display posters in the session.

Session report

Detailed program

14.30 Opening of session
14.35 Keynote: Ben Booth Exploring CORDEX and driving GCM differences, in the context of time evolving aerosols
14.50 Keynote: Pierre Nabat Multi-model assessment of the role of anthropogenic aerosols in European summertime climate change
15.05 Peace Olubukunmi Awoleye Characterization of Aerosol Radiative Forcing under Clear-Sky Conditions during a Typical Dry Season period over West Africa
15.15 Fabien Solmon Aerosol Climate Interactions over Africa analyzed through Regional Climate Modelling.

15.30 Coffee break

16.00 Manu Thomas Response of clouds and aerosols to natural atmospheric variability in the EC-Earth3-AerChem model
16.10 Shiyu Wang Evaluation of Aerosols impact on the Asian summer monsoon with EC-Earth3-AerChem model
16.20 Oskar Landgren Recent aerosol developments in the HCLIM regional climate model

16.30 Topical discussion on aerosols in climate modelling

Due to unforeseen circumstances some speakers may be replaced or will not be able to participate.

Contact: Erik Kjellström (