Parallel session C: CORDEX for impacts
Thursday 28 September 9.30-12.30 CEST
Parallel session C1: Societal impacts
Thursday 28 September 9.30-11.15 CEST
Location: SISSA Main Auditorium
Session co-chairs: Natália Machado Crespo and Michelle Simões Reboita
Rapporteurs: Shaukat Ali and Natalia Bautista Blanca
This session focuses on high impact regional phenomena and implications for urban areas, health, renewable energy, infrastructure (buildings and transport), disaster management, insurance issues, and land use and land cover change and management strategies (including agriculture and forestry). It also includes studies on the attribution of extremes and risk assessments and event-based downscaling at high resolution for process-based understanding of event drivers.
Session report
9.30-11.15 CEST Oral presentations
Climate Response to Land-Use Changes over North America and Europe Olivier ASSELIN
Margarida 17th of June 2017, an Extreme Fire Event in Pedrogão Grande, Central Portugal Rita CARDOSO TAVARES
Impact of climate change in Mexican wine grape regions Blanca Natalia CASTILLO
The Intersection of Climate and Renewable Energy Research: Successes and Limitations Andrea HAHMANN
Climate change in Sweden with impacts for reindeer husbandry Erik KJELLSTROM
Quantification and allocation of uncertainties of climate change impacts on hydropower potential under 1.50C and 2.00C Global Warming Levels in the the Benue River Basin, Cameroon Rodric Merime NONKI
Checking the performance of Regional Climate models in determining Flooding at Basin Scale using Global Hydrodynamic model Hrishikesh SINGH
Performance of CORDEX models in reproducing block-level meteorological droughts characteristics Sai Venkata Ramana MUTYALA
Parallel Session C2: Natural ecosystem impacts
Thursday 28 September 9.30-11.00 CEST
Location: Budinich Lecture Hall
Session co-chairs: Tereza Cavazos Pérez, Ismaila Diallo and Marco Reale
Rapporteurs: Sheila Estrada-Allis and Francesca Zarabara
Climate change implications/risks for marine and terrestrial ecosystems, coastal environments, biodiversity and wildlife. Examples of how CORDEX/regional climate information have been or can be used in natural ecosystem impact studies.
Session report
9.30-11.00 CEST Oral presentations
Modeling the Impact of Climate Change on Flood and Drought: case study Awash River Basin, Ethiopia Ermias BRHANE
Evaluation Of High-Resolution Climate Run Of Alaro-0 Over The CORDEX-Africa Domain Laura DECORTE
The coupled physical-biogeochemical model SHYFEM-BFM for scenario analysis in the regulated Venice Lagoon system Donata MELAKU CANU
Future wildfire conditions in Ukraine under the RCP 8.5 climate scenario Inna SEMENOVA
Assessment of the regional climate model RegCM5 and atmospheric chemistry simulation over Africa Eric YAO
Dynamical Downscaling of CMIP6 Models over the Med-CORDEX Region: An Application of ENEA-REG 2.0 to the Assessment of Expected Climate Change Impacts Maria Vittoria STRUGLIA
Climatic and Anthropogenic Vulnerabilities of the Himalayan Ecosystem Pankaj KUMAR
Joint C-Session CORDEX for Impacts
Thursday 28 September 11.30-12.30 CEST
Location: SISSA Main Auditorium
Session co-chairs: Natália Machado Crespo, Michelle Simões Reboita, Tereza Cavazos Pérez, Ismaila Diallo and Marco Reale
Rapporteurs: Shaukat Ali, Natalia Bautista Blanca, Sheila Estrada-Allis and Francesca Zarabara
11.30-12.30 CEST Panel discussion
Invited speaker: Bart van den HURK
Hailemariam DOKO
Douglas MARAUN
Bart van den HURK