Session A4 and A5: Regional climate modelling/downscaling for South Asia Monsoon region

Hosted from Pune hub
Time for this session is indicated in Indian time

Wednesday 27 September 9.30-12.00 IST
Location: Varahamihira Hall

On the main conference themes A1, A2 and A3, with relevance to South Asia region.
Earth System Modelling (ESM) in the regional context including all coupled model components. Convection Permitting Modelling, ultra-high resolution, and coordination of convection permitting scales. Statistical Methods/machine learning techniques for regional climate modelling/downscaling

Opening session A4 and A5

Session chair: Mandira Shrestha

Session report

9.30-10.30 IST

Introduction by chair Mandira Shrestha

Invited Speaker

Earth system modelling in regional context (10 min) Swapna Panickal
Overview of CORDEX over South Asia (10 min) J. Sanjay
A Regional Earth System Modelling Framework over the CORDEX-South Asia domain (10 min) Pankaj Kumar
Traditional MLR and advanced ML based statistical downscaling: a reliable tool for providing accurate inputs for crop simulation model (10 min) Lalu Das

Q&A (15 min)

10.30-10.45 IST Health break

10.45-11.20 IST Session A4: Regional climate downscaling using high resolution climate models

Session chair: J. Sanjay
Rapporteurs: Aathira Maria Jose and Nischal Sharma

Session report
Poster session report

Oral Presentations (5 minutes each and Q&A)

 High resolution global modelling for regional climate studies T. P. Sabin
Exploring the precipitation extremes over Hindu Kush Himalayas in CORDEX simulations Sreehari K
Analysis of CORDEX evaluation Experiment over South Asia using RegCM5 based Dynamical Downscaling of ERA5 Sooraj K. P.
Evaluating CMIP6 models for downscaling on the South East Asia CORDEX domain Laura Burgin

Q&A (15 min)

11.20-12.00 Session A5: Statistical Methods/ML techniques for regional climate downscaling

Session chair: Lalu Das
Rapporteurs: Bela Lodh and Priyakumari

Session report

Introduction by chair Lalu Das

Oral Presentations (5 minutes each + Q&A)

 Bringing deep learning to the plate of climate scientists for downscaling Manmeet Singh
Investigating the impact of custom loss functions to train a deep neural network for downscaling gridded precipitation data Midhun Murukesh
Future Changes in Precipitation Extremes over base Himalayan Uttarakhand region during Southwest Monsoon Aathira Maria Jose
Identification of suitable predictors for statistical downscaling of rainfall over Indo-Gangetic Plains Ratul Roy Choudhury
Probabilistic Projections of Future Temperature and Precipitation for Climate Risk Assessment in Vietnam Tran Anh Quan

Q&A (10 min)

Due to unforeseen circumstances some speakers may be replaced or will not be able to participate.