Early Career Scientist Event

On Wednesday 27th September 18.00-20.00 there was an interactive onsite event for Early Career Scientists in Trieste.

The challenges of data management and data sharing was discussed in a type of trivial networking format. Senior scientists attended and shared their experience and the participants asked questions.
You can read more about the event in the report below.

Location: Adriatico Guesthouse Cafeteria

Moderator: Lincoln Muniz Alves
Rapporteurs: Peace Olumbukunmi Awoleye, Debasish Mahapatra, Rodric Merime Nonki, Henri Pinheiro, Luc Yannick Andreas Randriamarolaza and Xia Zhang


Photo of the participants sitting around tables listening to the moderator at the terrace where the ECS event was held.
Photo from behind of the participants standing and listening to the moderator at the terrace where the ECS event was held.


18.00 Opening talk

18.15 Trivial network
Senior scientists:
Jason Evans, ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science, Sydney, Australia
Eleni Katragkou, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Chris Lennard, CSAG – ENGEO Dept. University of Cape Town, South Africa
Rosmeri da Rocha, University of Sao Paolo, Brazil
Lincoln Alves, National Institute for Space Research, Brazil

19.30 Summary and wrap up

Snacks, fingerfood and beverages