Session D6: High resolution urban climate modeling and regional climate change – progress and challenges for CORDEX (online and Trieste)

Location: SISSA Main Auditorium

Conveners: Dr. Tomas Halenka, Dr. Gaby S. Langendijk, Dr. Sri Raghavan and Mr. Muhammad Ammar.

This session focuses on urban areas and its interactions with the regional climate, as well as on the challenges and opportunities to include an improved urban representation in regional climate models for future CORDEX simulations. It will highlight new developments and results within urban modelling initiatives, including the FPS URB-RCC. The session also invites papers and discussions on what has been achieved in terms of high/extra fine (sub-km) scale urban climate modelling, especially under climate change.

Session report

Detailed program

Opening of session
Tomas Halenka & Gaby Langendijk
• CORDEX and involvement in IPCC AR7 Special Report on cities
• Connection to WCRP OSC - RCM community

1). 5 talks 9 min presentation + 2 min questions
Evaluation of the AROME CP-RCM for the study of urban climate in the Paris region and impacts under hot weather conditions Aude LEMONSU 

Representation of the Urban Heat Island in CORDEX-CORE: A global multi-city analysis from the CORDEX FPS URB-RCC Jesus FERNANDEZ FERNANDEZ 

Representation of UHI characteristics of different European cities by the first ensemble of convective-permitting simulations. Sophie BASTIN 

Climate Change Scenarios and Urban Modelling for City of Prague Tomas HALENKA  

Towards climate services for health based on very high-resolution future climate information for cities Peter HOFFMANN 

15.30 - 16.00 Health break

16.00 - 17.00
5 talks 9 min presentation + 2 min questions

The contributions of urbanization to a mega-heatwave in the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomerations Jiacan YUAN 

Urban Climate Simulation in the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires (SUrAMBA): Sensitivity study on model configuration. Luis MUÑOZ PABÓN 

WRF projected temperature change over MENA from regional to urban scales Katerina KONSTANTINIDOU 

Impact of planetary boundary layer schemes on simulation of East Asian winter monsoon using a regional climate model Seok-Woo SHIN

Where to for CORDEX downscaling in the global south. Is the answer in the clouds?  Christopher James LENNARD

Due to unforeseen circumstances some speakers may be replaced or will not be able to participate.

Contact: Srivatsan Vijayaraghavan (, Gaby Langendijk (, Tomas Halenka (, Muhammad Ammar (