Parallel session D: CORDEX in Practice

All D-sessions in Trieste are held Thursday 28 September  14.30-17.00 CEST
The D8 session is held in Pune on Friday 29 September 9.00-11,00 IST

These sessions will not be livestreamed.

To read more about each D-session click on the session below:

D1. CORDEX-Ocean: Towards a CORDEX framework for Ocean Regional Climate Modelling (online and Trieste)

Conveners: Samuel Somot (Med-CORDEX), Marine Herrman (CORDEX South-East Asia), Markus Meier (EURO-CORDEX, Baltic Earth) and Tereza Cavazos (Central America CORDEX).


D2. Regional Climate Modelling in the Polar Regions: Applications and the road ahead (online and Trieste)

Conveners: Priscilla A. Mooney, Annette Rinke and John Cassano


D3. Discussion session: Climate projections for islands (online and Trieste)

Conveners: Jason Evans (CCRC), Tannecia Stephenson (UWI),  Marcus Thatcher (CSIRO), Christophe Menkes (ENTROPIE, IRD, CNRS), Matthieu Lengaigne (MARBEC, Univ. Montpellier, CNRS, Ifremer, IRD, Sète, France), Ali Belmadani (ENM & CNRM, Université de Toulouse, Météo-France, CNRS, Toulouse, France).


D4. Climate services for transformation using CORDEX datasets: best practices using FAIR principles and innovative tools (online and Trieste)

Conveners: Claas Teichmann (GERICS), Lars Buntemeyer (GERICS), Helena Martins (SMHI), Angel Muñoz (BSC), Armelle Remedio (GERICS), Christine Nam (GERICS), Francisco Doblas-Reyes (BSC), Gaby S. Langendijk (GERICS), Katharina Bülow (GERICS), Ludwig Lierhammer (GERICS), Marjana Brkić (CPN), Marta Terrado (BSC), Peter Hoffmann (GERICS), Ross D. Dixon (UNL).


D5. Coordinated Training Programs (online and Trieste)



D6. High resolution urban climate modeling and regional climate change – progress and challenges for CORDEX (online and Trieste)

Conveners: Dr. Tomas Halenka, Dr. Gaby S. Langendijk, Dr. Sri Raghavan and Mr. Muhammad Ammar.


D7. Training on how to compare bias-corrected Regional Climate Models (RCMs) with Empirical Statistical Downscaling (ESD) for robust future climate change projections, exploring tools/products (online and Trieste)

Conveners: Huikyo Lee (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, USA), Rasmus Benestad (Norwegian Meteorological Institute (NMI), Norway), Abdelkader Mezghani (NMI), Kajsa Parding (NMI), Ian Brosnan (NASA Ames Research Center, USA), Alexander
Goodman (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, USA).


D8. Extreme Events: Observations and Modeling (online and Pune)

Conveners: Sridhara Nayak, Koji Dairaku, Suman Maity, J Sanjay, Mandira Singh Shrestha, Lalu Das.


D9. Aerosol impact on regional climate (online and Trieste)

Conveners: Marc Mallet (Meteo-France), Fabien Solmon (LAERO/OMP), Erik Kjellström (SMHI), Klaus Wyser (SMHI), Grigory Nikulin (SMHI), Helena Martins (SMHI), Johannes Quaas (Uni Leipzig), Michael Schulz (Met Norway), Annica Ekman (SU), Ilona Riipinen (SU).


D10. Concepts and identification of global warming levels (GWLs) for regional climate services (online and Trieste)

Conveners: members of three weather services, Deutscher Wetterdienst (D), GeoSphere Austria (A), and MeteoSwiss (CH) Nora Leps, Theresa Shellander-Gorgas, Sven Kotlarski