Besides the regular conference program some CORDEX domains and Flagship Pilot Studies will host meetings for their own communities during the week.
These meetings are for invited only. If you have questions regarding any of these side events please contact the contact person below.
Wednesday 27 September 18.00-20.00:
Flagship Pilot Study: URBan environments and Regional Climate Change (URB-RCC)
Location: Giambiagi Lecture Hall - Adriatico Guest house
Contact person: Gaby Langendijk
Report from the event
Mediterranean CORDEX domain
Location: Lundquist meeting room - Adriatico Guest house
Contact person: Samuel Somot
North America CORDEX domain
Location: Kastler Lecture Hall - Adriatico Guest house
Contact person: Dominique Paquin
Thursday 28 September 18.00-20.00
Flagship Pilot Study: Impact of land use changes on climate in Europe across spatial and temporal scales
Location: Giambiagi Lecture Hall - Adriatico Guest house
Contact person: Diana Rechid
Flagship Pilot Study: Extreme precipitation events in Southeastern South America a proposal for a better understanding and modeling and the South America community
Location: Kastler Lecture Hall - Adriatico Guest house
Contact person: Maria Laura Bettolli
Report from the event
There will also be a side event at the hub in Pune.
Friday 29 September 9.00-11.00 IST
Location: Varahamihira Hall
WCRP My Climate Risk (MCR) Lighthouse Activity (online and Pune)
Jointly organized by IITM, WCRP Hubs (My Climate Risk, Safe Landing) and CORDEX (South Asia and East Asia)

Read more about this event here