Session A2: Convection Permitting Modelling
Tuesday 26 September 13.30-15.00 CEST
Location: Sissa Main Auditorium
Session co-chairs: Maria Laura Bettolli and José Abraham Torres Alavez
Rapporteurs: Nátalia Machado Crespo and Luis Muñoz
Higher resolutions are needed in order to capture and understand the local scale signals and to improve provision of actionable climate data for decision making. This session includes examples of very high-resolution initiatives, including CORDEX Flagship Pilot Studies and discussions on how we establish a coordinated strategy when we move towards smaller areas with higher resolution. Key questions: What is the added value of coordinated ensembles of convection permitting simulations? How can a common setup be defined to assure model ensembles for smaller (“national”) convection permitting resolution domains? How do we assure reliability with few simulations in some convection permitting resolution domains? What are the common scientific challenges? How do we handle large amounts of data (incl sub-daily output) and the processing of them, especially in regions with limited resources and technical challenges?
Session report
13.30-13.45 CEST Invited speaker
Advancing Convection-Permitting Climate Projections: Coordinated Ensemble Experiments and the Path Ahead Erika COPPOLA
13.45-15.00 CEST Oral presentations (10+2 min)
Tropical cyclone changes in convection-permitting regional climate projections: a study over the Shanghai region. Erasmo BUONOMO
The role of Tibetan Plateau Vortices in extreme precipitation events in the Tibetan Plateau region Julia CURIO
BARPA-C: Kilometre-scale climate modelling development based on ACCESS Christian STASSEN
Detection and sensitivity to global warming of disastrous-like storms in the complex alpine area Emanuela PICHELLI
Brand new Convection-Permitting simulations over South America: a look at the uncertainty sources at the sub-daily time scale Francesca RAFFAELE
A new method for dynamical downscaling of heatwaves by convection-permitting climate models: event-based downscaling Fuxing WANG